“Practice makes……” – Progression classes for older puppies and dogs .

I am often conscious that we bring our puppies along to puppy class, I equip you with the skills to start training, and then set you loose into the big wide world to carry on on your own. I am often asked about progression classes, where we come together to work on the skills we have learnt and “take them to the next level”. The “practice makes….” classes will hone you and your dogs skills around various elements, you can then choose to be assessed to see if your dog has achieved the required level and move onto the next stage.

Alternatively, If you are working on something specifically and would like a safe environment to practice (with added distractions) you are very welcome to come along and ‘do your own thing’ as well.

The details:

  • There are three classes to choose from, a Saturday or Sunday at Belmont Unleashed in Starbeck, and a Wednesday evening at Hopewell dog park.
  • Each block will last 6 weeks, there is the option to join us for four of the weeks if you have other things going on, or if you prefer you can come to the full six weeks (and save a little money :0)
  • There will be certificates for those who like taking (and passing!!) tests, and you get to star on the facebook page (lucky you!!).

Example behaviours:

Loose lead walkingYou and your dog walk together without tension in the lead, minimal distractions other than the environment. 
Calm meeting, and greeting of people and or dogs.No jumping, pulling or over excited greetings. 
Close walking off lead Your dog can stay close by as if on a loose lead, but off lead past a variety of distractions.
RecallWith and without distractions.
Settle on a matYour dog is able to stay lying on a mat with a variety of distractions and without needing to be asked to stay.
Settle without a mat As above but without a mat as a station.
Calm exit from a car boot / doorWithout being asked your dog will wait calmly in the boot of the car while the boot is fully opened and they are invited out.
Calm exit from the field / out of a gateWithout a cue, your dog will sit on approach to a gate / door, wait while the door is fully opened and you stop through it, and will only come through the opening when invited.
Parking the dog.Your dog will sit / lie calmly by your side while you chat to other owners / read notcie boards etc.
Wait / stayYour dog will be able to stay put without the need for repeated cues and with increasing levels of distraction.
Polite greetingsCombination of parking / not jumping etc
The behaviour chainA behaviour chain is a series of behaviours linked together without the need for reinforcement between each behaviour – for example – walk ten paces, ask your dog to sit/stay, walk another 10 paces, pause for 30 seconds and recall your dog to you. You can choose which of the behaviours you would like to include.
Emergency stopYour dog will stop, and sit/down at a distance away from you.
Tricks’ – spin / bow / middle The fun stuff :0)

If you are ready to jump in here is the booking link.

As always I have kept the classes small, 6-7 dogs per class, unfortunately they aren’t suitable for reactive dogs unless you are at a stage in their training where they are comfortable with other dogs at a distance.